Cindy knows that education is not a one-size-fits-all solution. For example, some students should go to college, some should go to a trade school or receive union training, and some should learn on the job. Bigger is not better. Children learn best in their own communities and Cindy supports small community schools such as those from which her daughters graduated.
Some goose feathers found by grandchildren during an exploration of the farm provide an opportunity for education about feathers, goose anatomy, and how our founders used quill pens to write our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution.
Economic Health
Great jobs for Iowans result from successful businesses and farms. Government’s role is to level the playing field, protect the environment, and then get out of the way and watch the magic happen.
Cindy grew up working in her family’s business of making gym mats. Following her parents’ example, she has started several successful businesses and provided employment to scores of Iowans.
Simultaneously, Cindy owns and operates several farms, including her Sweet Maple Farms brand that produces premium Iowa maple syrup and other products.
Here Cindy and daughter Lynnea clean up fallen poplar trees following the derecho. ALl the Golding children worked on the farm, learned to use tools safely, and became successful adults.
Here Cindy pushes broken limbs into the fire after the storm. The logs in the background will be sawed into spalted maple lumber. Sweet Maple Farms lost over 200 producing maple trees, many older than the state of Iowa.
Family Values
Cindy and Joe have six children and 21 grandchildren. Their children grew up working on the farms and in the businesses. The family attended church services together each week and the kids were active in youth groups. The Golding family values working together and playing together. A family reunion of kids, spouses, and grandchildren is a loud and boisterous affair and generally includes water sports.
Here four grandchildren cool off in the family pond.
The Family together in the Fall of 2023. Six children, spouses, and 21 grandchildren.
Landowner Rights
Cindy is a staunch defender of landowner rights and has been active in several issues where government overreach has threatened property owners. In particular, she has been frustrated where eminent domain has been used for private gain.
“Landowner rights” means that landowners may use their property, but must respect their neighbors. The state has the responsibility to ensure that projects on one tract do not cause harm to other owners.
Cindy ensures wide, well-maintained waterways on her crop ground to ensure safe water. Her family drinks the water too!
Rural vs Urban
Cindy has served on the Linn County Farm Bureau for over 22 years and has been an extremely active proponent of agricultural and rural issues to the state legislature. Cindy led a group fighting against aggressive involuntary annexation of huge swaths of rural land, taking this action all the way to the Iowa Supreme Court (where they won!). Cindy continues to fight to ensure rural-urban cooperation as opposed to urban dominance.
State House District 83 includes 11 small towns as well as rural Linn County. Cindy’s experience and resume make her uniquely qualified to represent this area and to stand up for the values of her constituents.

Small Town and Rural Economic Health
Small towns are essential for the economic health of rural Iowa. That’s where we in rural Linn County find community, support civic clubs, educate our children, and celebrate graduations. Cindy supports rural economic health and local schools in the State House. Cindy has been involved in education for over three decades as a mentor, coach, and youth group leader. Here she is recognized as a founding board member of the Alburnett Community School District Foundation.

Cindy Golding doesn’t just talk about these issues.
She’s been actively representing you in the Iowa legislature.